We meet Every Monday at 7pm
These are informal session and are NOT Tutored - the idea behind these sessions is a support for information learnt on one of our courses.
Come along with questions and problems you may have and we will help you with your journey.
£6.00 Admission
£4.00 Members of The Photography School
£4.00 Members of Smethwick Photographic Society
These sessions are your opportunity to ask question with a photographer about any specific issues you may have outside of a classroom situation.
The workshop will be a relaxed space for you to try out techniques and ideas.
You will need to provide your own camera, lenses , triggers etc., along with any props you may need.
The site is equiped with studio flash heads and backgrounds
Monday Evenings
Smethwick Photographic Society Building
The Old School House, Churchbridge, Oldbury B69 2AS
Time : 7.15 pm - 9.15 pm
Computers and Printer will always be available during every Class session should you wish to use them
Workshops run are not compulsery - should you wish to do your own thing , this is something we always encourage......
Please bring camera to sessions highlighted in GOLD
19th - 1940's Model Shoot - Either studio or outdoors if weather permits using flash outdoors. - BRING CAMERA
26th - Editing a Portrait - Looking at removal of skin blemishs and skin smoothing - Bring Laptops and Images if you have them.
2nd - Its ALL About DAVE Airston - Stories behind my Motorsport images - A new talk from Dave who has many years experience as a published motorsport photographer - A chance for you to understand what it takes to acheive those fabulous shots.
9th - Its ALL About DINAH - a recap on Dinah's extensive photographic journey - Dinah will be sharing some of her favourite images and giving us an insight into the experiences she has had over the years
16th - Still lIfe - its SILVER Week - looking at photographing shiny surfaces when Matt spray simply is not allowed.
23rd - YOUR SESSION - This week is all up to you, but i would love to see everyone producing a image that you would be happy to submit into a competition - Next week we will be looking at what you have produced, and critique your images - You may choose to do still life, a portrait, indoors or outdoors but it must be shot on the night. You may ask for advice on lighting or camera settings.
30th - Image Review and discussion from previous week - Group workshops - Your image maybe printed or in digital form
7th - Photomontage Week - A look at how we construct images using text and procurred image to create something just a little different - You may like to research Bauhaus Montage Photography
14th - 9th - Free Flow session - A chance to chat with your group and ask Mark for a 15 min session - (1-2-1)
21st - BIRMINGHAM GROUP MEET on LOCATION - Light trails week - you will need a tripod and ND Filters if you have - Mark Will have some to share if you do not have any. [Please note the club room will be closed] - STANDARD WEEKLY CHARGE APPLIES
28th - STUDIO PORTRAIT SESSION - Model to be confirmed
NB - I would also encourage everyone if there is an activity that perhaps does not interest you , we have a studio for you to use and do your own still life or portraits, if you want to do this just ensure that your space is booked , I don’t want everyone turning up with 10 still life set ups
This is YOUR sessions , we are here to help YOU ,
Myself and Bob can offer technical knowledge but only you must take the photographs